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School of Business receives $30,000 in pledged donations

NEW PALTZ — The School of Business at the State University of New York at New Paltz has received pledges for two major donations of $15,000 each, to be distributed over a three-year period.

One $15,000 gift is from Carl and Mary Meyer. Mr. Meyer is the president and chief operating officer at Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation and serves as chairman of the School of Business, Business Advisory Council (BAC).

The second $15,000 gift is from Thomas D. Weddell, managing partner of Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP, CPAs, the largest accounting firm in the Hudson Valley. Weddell serves as chair of the School of Business BAC governance committee.

Hadi Salavitabar, dean of the School of Business, said the generous donations would provide the school with the resources to offer many educational activities to students that would have not been possible otherwise.

“Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and Mr. Weddell are great citizens of our community, who care deeply about the education of our students and future business leaders,” said Salavitabar. “They are exemplary and devoted members of our community.”

As president of Central Hudson Gas & Electric, Meyer is responsible for overseeing the delivery of electricity and natural gas to nearly 360,000 customers in an eight-county region of New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley. Appointed president in 1999, Meyer has successfully led the utility through the deregulation of New York state’s energy industry, overseeing its transformation into a competitive organization focused on increasing efficiency, cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction. This business strategy has enabled Central Hudson to offer its customers reliable, low-cost service that supports the expansion of the local economy.

The Meyers are residents of Rhinebeck. Both are active volunteers in organizations that strive to improve the quality of life in the Hudson Valley. In addition to his work with the New Paltz BAC, Meyer currently chairs the board of Mid-Hudson Pattern for Progress. He also serves on the boards of Families First New York, Mount St. Mary College, Vassar Brothers Medical Center and the Winnikee Land Trust. Mrs. Meyer currently serves on the board of Family Services, Inc. and on the development committees of Winnikee Land Trust and the Dutchess Community College Foundation.

“Carl and Mary Meyer have been a driving force behind the School of Business’ push for greater quality and visibility in the region,” said Steve Poskanzer, president SUNY New Paltz. “Their wonderful vote of confidence in the program means that we will be able to make their vision a reality.”

Thomas D. Weddell, CPA, is a business development consultant with Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP, CPAs. He is the managing partner of the firm. Weddell is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany and is also a graduate of Results Accountant Systems School for Business Development. He has been with Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP, CPAs since 1978 and became a partner in 1984.

Weddell is a former member of the board of directors of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants and is also a past president of the Mid-Hudson Chapter. In addition, he is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Hudson Valley Estate Planning Council. Weddell is also on the advisory board of Key Bank – Mid Hudson District.

“The School of Business has no more of a wonderful and devoted friend then Tom Weddell,” said Poskanzer. “From his service on the Business Advisory Council to his sterling record of hiring New Paltz graduates – we are honored that he has made this most generous gift and are pleased to be able to honor him, in return.”

To acknowledge their generous gifts, the School of Business will dedicate one study area in van den Berg Hall to Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and one to Mr. Weddell and his company Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP, CPAs.

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