_Chronological News FeedFaculty/Staff News

Faculty tell new colleagues to take a hike (with us, at Mohonk)

Members of the New Paltz faculty welcomed their new colleagues to the community with a fall hike and sunset picnic at Spring Farm in the Mohonk Preserve.

Seventeen humans and one dog took the opportunity to unwind and get to know each other during the late September outing through Bonticou Crag:

  • Patricia Fitzpatrick (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) & Lúa (dog)
  • Tom Hopkins (Development) & family
  • Jeff Miller (Political Science) & daughter
  • Shala Mills (Graduate & Extended Learning)
  • Christiana Fortune Reader (Music)
  • Catherine Herne (Physics)
  • Mark McFadden (Career Resource Center)
  • Madeline Veitch (Sojourner Truth Library)
  • Sarah Wyman (Faculty Development Center, English)
  • Lijun Yuan (Information Technology Services) & family

If you haven’t had the chance to meet faculty colleagues new to campus this semester, you might revisit this list of brief biographies.