Athletics Archives

Senior Spotlight

This weeks senior spotlight features women’s field hockey player Ann Marie Rudd and women’s tennis player Kerri Serkes.

Ann Marie Rudd, 21 years old:

How did you get involved in Field Hockey? How old were you?

My older sister played, so I got involved when I was 13.

Did you play any other sports in high school? 

I played lacrosse and soccer.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have one brother Kyle, and my sister Kerri.

What would you say is your favorite food?

Buffalo chicken pizza.

If you could go on a celebrity dream date, who would it be with?

Patrick Dempsey.

What is the first thing that you eat in the morning?

An everything bagel with cream cheese.

What is your greatest moment in sports?

My greatest moment in sports was scoring against Skidmore.

What is your worse moment in sports?

I would say losing to Stevens in the last second.

What is the last movie that made you cry?

Marley and Me.

What’s your favorite movie?

The Dark Knight

What’s your favorite color?

Pink and blue.

What is on your i-Pod now?

David Guetta-when love takes over.

Most influential person(s) in your life?

My mom and dad.

If you could take three things to a deserted island, what would you bring?

My blackberry (with service), bug spray, and a bed.

What is your dream job?

My dream job is doing anything that makes me happy, and pays well.

Are you on Facebook or a MySpace?


How many online friends do you have?


Tell us something few people know about you:

I am sarcastic.

Kerri Serkes, 21 years old:

How did you get involved in tennis?  How old were you?

I was 12 years old, and I tried a bunch of sports when I was younger, but I fell in love with tennis.

Did you play any other sports in high school?


Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have two brothers, one older and one younger.

What would you say is your favorite food?

Mac and Cheese.

If you could go on a celebrity dream date, who would it be with?

John Legend.

What is the first thing that you eat in the morning?

An apple.

What is the last movie that made you cry?

My Sister’s Keeper.

What’s your favorite movie?

The Holiday.

What’s your favorite color?

Lime Green.

What is on your i-Pod now?

The Fray

Most influential person(s) in your life?

My mom.

What is your dream job?

Interior Designer.

Are you on Facebook or a MySpace?


Invite four famous people, living or dead, to a dinner party:

James Franco, Seth Rogan, Michael Cera, and Steve Carell.