School of Fine & Performing Arts

Bread & Puppet Theater at SUNY

NEW PALTZ — The Student Art Alliance welcomes Bread & Puppet Theatre to SUNY New Paltz for a performance on Sunday, December 3 at 8pm in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Student Union.

Bread and Puppet Theater was founded in 1963 by the German-born sculptor Peter Schumann on New York City’s Lower East Side. The company’s performances began as simple puppet shows meant to delight people of all ages and backgrounds in Schumann’s neighborhood. The subjects of the puppet shows became more political with the outset of the Vietnam War, and he began to incorporate anti-war themes into the performances, and the puppets used in them. Bread and Puppet soon became a prominent feature in anti-war demonstrations, and a favorite in activist as well as alternative theater circles. Through the 1960s and 1970s Bread and Puppet evolved from a fixture of the urban art world into a rural Vermont-based traveling company of dedicated puppeteers. The philosophy and objective of the company is to make theater and art in a community as common and necessary as bread on the table.

The company will perform “Insurrection Mass with Funeral Marches for Rotten Ideas: A Non-Religious Services with Papier Mache Gods.”

There is no admission charge for this event, but donations may be given to support the Spring 2001 Art Lecture Series. The Art Lecture Series is a project of the Student Art Alliance, a funded member of the Student Association. For further information please call 845-257-3872.