School of Fine & Performing Arts

Fiber Artist Anne Wilson to Speak at SUNY New Paltz

NEW PALTZ — On Wednesday, March 14, 2001 Anne Wilson will give a slide presentation in Lecture Center Room 112 at SUNY New Paltz. The lecture begins at 7:30 PM and is free and open to the public. The lecture is part of the Art Lecture Series, which is sponsored by the Student Art Alliance, a funded member of the Student Association.

For the past 19 years “what covers the skin – hair, fur – has been an essential aspect of Anne Wilson?s work? She has used it as a metaphor, in both natural and synthetic manifestations, for what appears on the surface, for what masks the underlying content of personal and social interactions.” She has employed the use of linens and human hair through bodies of work that emotionally and intellectually evidence relationships between body and culture.

Anne Wilson is an artist and professor in the Department of Fiber and Material Studies at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She studied at California College of Arts and Crafts (MFA, 1976) and Cranbrook Academy of Art (BFA, 1972).

Her work is in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Art Institute of Chicago; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; and the M.H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, among others.

Essays and reviews of her work can be found in Art in America (Mar 99, Feb 92); Arte facto, Spain (Mar 95); New Art Examiner (Dec 98/Jan 99, summer 94); Artforum (May 94); and Fiberarts (summer 99, Sept/Oct 97). Her work is represented by Roy Boyd Gallery, Chicago and Revolution Gallery, Detroit and New York.

For more information regarding this and other arts events at SUNY New Paltz visit or call 845-257-3872. A complete list of events is available online at

Photographs and descriptions of selected works from Wilson’s recent exhibitions are available online at