School of Fine & Performing Arts

Stephen Hendee at SUNY New Paltz for

NEW PALTZ — SUNY New Paltz welcomes sculptor and installation artist Stephen Hendee for the first Art Lecture of the Spring 2001 semester on February 14 at 7:30 PM in Lecture Center 112. The event is free and open to all.

Stephen Hendee?s work, sculptural environments in the tradition of sci-fi movie sets found in Tron or Blade Runner, reflects his thoughts about the dissolving boundary between nature and technology. In contrast with this fast paced, digitally enhanced world, Hendee employs a decidedly low-tech and laborious process to construct his sculptural environments. Unaided by a computer?s three-dimensional design capabilities, he decides on a general layout for a given space, then begins an arduous process of hand-cutting and assembling foam board components. Rather than follow a fully preconceived plan, he allows the structure to unfold, to grow and change. In Hendee?s words, ?These spaces become an impression of filling geometry in a way that is not necessarily expeditious, but is certainly organic and spontaneous.? Like technology, Stephen Hendee?s environments are both seductive and ominous. Despite their radiance, they are sterile; they are at once disconcerting and alluring.

The Student Art Alliance, a funded member of the Student Association at SUNY New Paltz, sponsors the Art Lecture Serires. For more information on upcoming Art Lecture Series events and other Art Events at SUNY New Paltz, visit the following web site: or call 845-257-3872.

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