News Releases

President Clinton Signs Law Creating Gilman Scholarship Program

NEW PALTZ — With a stroke of the pen, President Clinton established the “Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship” program to help American undergraduate students of limited financial means to study abroad.

In signing the law Tuesday, Clinton said the scholarship program will “better prepare (American undergraduate students) to compete in an increasingly global economy.”

SUNY New Paltz President, Roger Bowen, who has been aggressively involved in expanding foreign study opportunities for American students at New Paltz and at the national level, supported Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman, R-Greenville, writing the legislation.

“While I am proud to have played a role in the development and passage of this law, the real gratification will come when we are able to see a marked increase in the number of American students travelling to foreign lands to enhance their educational experience,” Bowen said. “The long-term security of the United States, as well as the security interests of all other nations, is enhanced through educational exchange. Congressmen Gilman and Hinchey in the House and Senators Schumer, Lugar, Collins, and Feingold deserve enormous credit for championing this legislation.”

News release announcing Senate passage of the Gilman Scholarship