News Releases

School of Business adds members to Business Advisory Council

The School of Business at the State University of New York at New Paltz is pleased to add the following members to its Business Advisory Council.

• Tracy L. Badgley, CPA, Partner, Levitan Yegidis & Associates, LLP
• C. Edward Burke, Jr., First Vice President, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
• Adam Galiard, Manager of Technology Development and Project Engineering, C9 Corporation
• Judy Mills, Vice President of Human Resources, Mediacom Communications
• Charlie North, President & CEO, Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce

• Mike Turturro, CPA, Partner, Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP

“The expertise, knowledge and experience of our new members will improve the quality of our program and opportunities for students at the School of Business,” said Hadi Salavitabar, dean of the School of Business.

Tom Sipos, Chair of the Business Advisory Council, also recognized the value of new members. “One of the most important roles of the council is the introduction of new ideas and perspectives to the School of Business. The addition of these six new members and the diversity they bring will be a major contribution in this regard.”

One of the new members, Charlie North, said, “I am honored to serve on this council and am committed to continuing the work of my predecessors.”

The Business Advisory Council, which consists of 36 senior executives from the business community, provides input to the School of Business to insure that students are taught the skills, knowledge and ethical behaviors required for successful and satisfying business careers.

College President Steven Poskanzer, said, “These wise local business leaders will strengthen our Advisory Council, help keep our curriculum up-to-date and position our graduates for the marketplace.”