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New Paltz Hawks Senior Spotlight

This weeks senior spotlight features men’s soccer player Anton Shipman and women’s volleyball player Brittany Coyle.

Anton Shipman, 21 years old:

How did you get involved in soccer?  How old were you?

A family friend was coaching a team, so I joined when I was seven years old. 

Did you play any other sports in high school? 

I played basketball.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have one brother.

What would you say is your favorite food?

My favorite food has got to be Chicken Parmesan.

If you could go on a celebrity dream date, who would it be with?

Jessica Alba.

What is the first thing that you eat in the morning?

I eat a bowl of cereal. 

What is your greatest moment in sports?

Winning the State Championship in 2004. 

What is your worse moment in sports?

Losing City Championship in 2005 by a score of 1-0.

What’s your favorite movie?

A Night at the Roxbury.

What’s your favorite color?


What is on your i-Pod now?

Joe Budden-Escape Route.

Most influential person(s) in your life?

Both of my parents.

If you could take three things to a deserted island, what would you bring?

I would bring a grill, a knife, and a raft. 

What is your dream job?

I would love to own a business.

Are you on Facebook or a MySpace?


Fill in the blank: If I hear about Brett Favre one more time, I’ll scream!: Who cares.

 Invite four famous people, living or dead, to a dinner party:

George Washington, Michael Jordan, Pele, and Will Ferrell.

Brittany Coyle, 21 years old:

How did you get involved in Volleyball? How old were you?

The modified coach approached me, and said, “Coyle, you are tall, you should play volleyball”.  I said yes because he scared me at the young age of 14.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have one brother and three sisters.

What would you say is your favorite food?

I love pickles.

If you could go on a celebrity dream date, who would it be with?

Ryan Reynolds.

What is the first thing that you eat in the morning?

I start the day up with Corn Flakes.

What is your greatest moment in sports?

My greatest moment in sports was beating Fredonia in Regionals!

What is the last movie that made you cry?

Meet Joe Black.

What’s your favorite movie?

The Goonies.

What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is purple.

What is on your i-Pod now?


Most influential person(s) in your life?

My parents because they keep me sane.

If you could take three things to a deserted island, what would you bring?

My St. Bernard (Claudius), I-pod, and sunflower seeds.

What is your dream job?

I am not sure, but I want to be happy.

Tell us something few people know about you:

I am petrified of clowns.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I am not embarrassed to admit it, but I love the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

 Fill in the blank: If I hear about Brett Favre one more time, I’ll scream!: He is making me so mad.

Invite four famous people, living or dead, to a dinner party:

Audrey Hepburn, Reggie White, Sarah Michelle Geller, and Greta Van Susteren.