Joël Evans in Concert: Music for Oboe, Piano and Viola
NEW PALTZ — The 2007-08 Concert Series presents Joël Evans, oboist, in a program titled The Natural, Unnatural and Supernatural. Mr. Evans will be assisted by Ruthanne Schempf, piano and Valentina Charlap-Evans, viola.
Music for O
Joël Evans
boe, Piano and Viola
Tuesday, March 25
8:00 p.m.
Julien J. Studley Theatre
Nocturne "Fairyland" by Joseph Holbrook – a work based on poems of Edgar Allen Poe
Suite from the BBC film score Jane Eyre
Sonatina of Gordon Jacob
Suite Francaise of Marcel Bitsch.
Dr. Evans is adjunct professor of music, teaching courses in music history, ethnomusicology and theory. He also serves as director of Collegium Musicum, the college ensemble for early music.
$6 general admission, $4 seniors/staff, $3 students
Tickets available at the door one half hour prior to performance
Information: (845) 257-3872