Diversity, Equity and InclusionHuman Resources

Title IX Office publishes new, more detailed data on reported incidents

The SUNY New Paltz Title IX Office has published a new set of data on reported incidents, above and beyond what is required by law, in an effort to provide transparency and context for members of our campus community.

The data can be accessed on this page, where it appears alongside extensive contextual notes on individual statistics and the broader work and mission of the Title IX Office on our campus.

It is published on an annualized basis – currently reported data is for the 2020 calendar year – and will be updated each year as incident statistics are finalized.

Members of our community can learn more about Title IX at SUNY New Paltz here.

Students, faculty and staff can report Title IX incidents by emailing Title IX Coordinator Emma Morcone at morconee@newpaltz.edu.

Title IX incidents (including gender discrimination, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, sexual violence and pregnancy support) can be reported to Title IX no matter where the incident occurred (on-campus or off campus), when the incident occurred (even if prior to a student’s enrollment at New Paltz), and no matter who the perpetrator is (even if the perpetrator is not New Paltz student or employee).

In case of emergency, please call 911 or University Police at (845) 275-2222.

Please read on for more information about our Title IX reporting process and the changes we are making to provide additional transparency to our community.


What we are required by law to report

SUNY New Paltz does provide and will continue to provide federal Clery Report and New York State 129-B Report data as mandated by law.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 (The Clery Act) requires institutions of higher education receiving federal financial aid to report specified crime statistics on college campuses and to provide other safety and crime information to members of the campus community. This data is broken down according to the geographic location of the occurrence of the offense.

Additionally, New York State Education Law Article 129-B requires institutions to submit aggregate data on reported incidents of sexual violence and their adjudication and handling each year to the New York State Education Department.


What you can find on our new Title IX Reporting Page

Above and beyond the information we report as required by law, the College is now publishing the following on the new Title IX Reporting Page:

Total annual incidents reported to the Title IX Coordinator

Whether incidents occurred on or off campus

Whether incidents occurred during the reporting year or prior to it

The nature of the reported incident/behavior

Whether the accused was a SUNY New Paltz student

Whether the Student Conduct Process was pursued by the reporting individual

These categories differ from those used in Clery and 129-B reports, which each call for a statistical representation of cases.

The information on this page is reported in greater detail, providing added transparency about our Title IX process to our community.

Because the information is highly detailed and nuanced, we strongly encourage those using this page to carefully review the contextual footnotes, which provide clarification on key terms and definitions necessary to interpret the data.