_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19

Effective May 17, vaccinated people are exempt from SUNY’s weekly testing requirement

All members of our community who have been fully vaccinated AND submitted their vaccination info to the College through my.newpaltz.edu will be exempt from SUNY’s mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing policy beginning Monday, May 17.

The exemption will be processed automatically when you confirm your vaccination status with the College. Get more information here about how to share your vaccination status and get your COVID-19 profile updated.

The CDC currently recommends testing for vaccinated individuals only if they develop symptoms of COVID-19 (unless you live in a group setting or are returning to the U.S. from international travel).

Those who have not submitted their vaccination info will need to test every week that they are on campus this summer, in a continuation of SUNY’s spring 2021 testing policy.

The College will provide on-campus testing once per week to accommodate our on-campus population. See here for more info and the schedule for summer testing.

You can also fulfill the weekly testing requirement at off-campus locations. Students should send off-campus test results to healthservice@newpaltz.edu, and employees should send results to hrdi@newpaltz.edu.