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New Paltz geography students win regional competition, advance to nationals

Six students representing the SUNY New Paltz Geography Department took home top honors at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Middle States Division Geography Bowl, a quiz competition for students from collegiate geography programs.

New Paltz students Ada Bellantoni, Sasha Garcia, Jessica Kathe, Greg Krupp, Liam Powers and Meagen Stone finished first out of six teams at the AAG Middle States Regional Division Meeting, successfully answering questions on topics ranging from academic geography to environmental issues to the geography of popular culture.

With this victory the New Paltz team earned the right to advance to the national Geography Bowl competition in New Orleans, La. They will also receive a stipend to support their travel to that event in spring 2018.

Stone, Kathe and Krupp also presented original scholarship at the meeting.

Learn more about Geography at SUNY New Paltz online.