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Faculty and staff fire up the grill, celebrate another successful academic year

Interim VP W. Wayne Brumfield (l) serves up some gumbo alongside Executive Chef Matt Hill

SUNY New Paltz held its annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Picnic & BBQ on the Old Main Quad on May 23, a warm afternoon that provided a perfected setting for some well-deserved R&R with colleagues.

“It’s great to have a chance to visit with everyone today,” said President Donald P. Christian. “I’m encouraged by everything we’ve achieved at SUNY New Paltz this year, and I want to thank everyone who pitched in, in all the ways that you did, to make it such a marvelous success.”

Faculty and staff were treated to a lunch of burgers, hot dogs and, as a one-time-only treat, some homemade Louisiana-style gumbo from the kitchen of Interim VP for Student Affairs W. Wayne Brumfield – yet another way he’s left his mark on the New Paltz campus community ahead of his departure later this summer.

The picnic also featured the presentation of Presidential Recognition Awards for members of the Classified Staff. “This is a way for me and the campus to say thanks to those of you in the Classified Staff for your significant contributions and dedicated service to the College, our students, and all that we try to do,” President Christian said.

The awards package includes a certificate, a bag of memorabilia, a $500 stipend, and, most importantly, the chance to be put on the spot in front of friends and colleagues as President Christian reads out each awardee’s credentials. This year’s recipients:

From l: Brian Secore, Jennifer Pechtel, Donald P. Christian, Susan Boyer, Margaret Betaudier

Margaret Betaudier, Secretary 1, Departments of Sociology and Asian Studies
Betaudier joined the College in 1997, and from day one has been a dedicated ally to students. Her nominator described particular challenges Betaudier overcame in her work this year, and how she impressed her colleagues with her patience and ability to put students and colleagues at ease.

Susan Boyer, Secretary, Facilities Operations
Boyer has worked at New Paltz since 1981 and has earned a reputation as a dedicated member of the College community. She often volunteers her time at Commencement, Clean Up Day, and other annual service events. Boyer’s nominator describes her as responsible, punctual and reliable.

Jennifer Pechtel, Office Assistant 2, Environmental Health & Safety
Pechtel joined the campus community in 2014 and has been an asset to her department ever since, demonstrating and extraordinary level of competence in managing the often complicated world of environmental health and safety. She has shown a willingness to absorb additional tasks during transitional periods and share new ideas for increasing efficiencies in her office. Her nominators describe her as the office’s “administrative rock.”

Brian Secore, General Mechanic, Utility Shop, Facilities Operations
Secore has worked at New Paltz since 2011. He’s earned praise for putting the needs of students first, fostering professional relationships with a positive attitude and willingness to help, and showing initiative and a desire to work as a member of team in his department. His nominator notes the pride that Secore takes in all that he does.

The All Faculty and Staff Appreciation Picnic & BBQ is sponsored by the Office of the President and organized by the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.