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CRREO to host regional arts, culture, heritage conference July 20

On July 20, the Center for Research, Regional Education & Outreach at SUNY New Paltz will host a conference titled “Mid-Hudson Arts ∙ Culture ∙ Heritage: Toward a Sustainable Future” from 12:30 to 6 p.m. in the Student Union Building on the New Paltz campus.  This event builds upon CRREO’s 2014 report, “Mid-Hudson Arts & Culture: The Economic Impact,” completed with support from New York Community Trust Art & Culture Research Fund.

The 2014 report, which has been widely acknowledged for its value to the region, includes the results of a  survey in which respondents were asked, “Looking to the next five (and ten) years, what does your organization need to sustain and grow?” Responses consistently underscored three needs: collaboration between and among organizations, recognition from business and government and strengthening K-12 arts & culture education.

“Mid-Hudson Arts ∙ Culture ∙ Heritage: Toward a Sustainable Futur”e is an opportunity for the region’s arts, culture and heritage organizations as well as businesses, tourism agencies and educators to exchange ideas regarding practical solutions to these perceived needs.

According to Gerald Benjamin, CRREO director and associate vice president for regional engagement, “This conference seeks to address a compelling, broadly acknowledged regional need derived from a combination of the priorities specified by leaders of Hudson Valley arts, culture and heritage organizations themselves. It will establish how the three priorities – education, collaboration, recognition – may be synergistically advanced.”

Two example-oriented panels, “Strengthening K-12 Arts Education: Building Sustainable Audiences” and “Competition or Collaboration? Building Sustainable Partnerships,” as well as break-out sessions offer opportunities for the region’s not-for-profits to engage in dialogue toward action-oriented goals.

Representative survey responses include the need for “support from the local community and audience development strategies that introduce real art to students … so that they become the audience of the future” because “ultimately, our goal is to improve educational opportunities for Hudson Valley residents.” The “Strengthening K-12 Arts Education” panel will address maintaining arts curricula in a difficult fiscal climate and showcase model school/non-profit partnerships.

The “Competition or Collaboration? Building Sustainable Partnerships” panel addresses the need for “collaboration with each other and business and civic groups” because “there are tremendous resources that are not being shared.” The panel will showcase model regional networks; local business, municipal, and non-profit partnerships; and, examples of successful shared services endeavors.

To pre-register visit https://newpaltz.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_8dzliTB6ueOjATH.

The $15 registration fee includes resource materials, snacks and a post-conference networking happy hour.

For more information contact crreo@newpaltz.edu or call CRREO Assistant Director Janis Benincasa at (845) 257-2901.