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Accomplished SUNY New Paltz scholars celebrate at 2024 Honors Program graduation ceremony

The SUNY New Paltz Honors Program held its annual graduation ceremony and reception on May 19 in recognition of the high-caliber talent and work ethic of the newest program alumni

Honors Program students not only excel in the classroom, but make an impact beyond campus with their interdisciplinary, innovative scholarship, namely their senior thesis. 

“They have been through difficult times, and they have the capacity to work, play and build communities,” said Pat Sullivan, Honors Program director and Professor of Digital Media & Journalism. “As we continue to face unprecedented global challenges, I am confident that our Honors Program students are prepared to take all that they have learned together to pursue meaningful work.” 

Throughout their four years at SUNY New Paltz, Class of 2024 Honors Program students learned something more valuable than deep knowledge in their disciplines of choice: the power of connection with their peers.  

“Today is about recognizing what it means to be a graduate of the Honors Program,” said SUNY New Paltz President Darrell P. Wheeler. “The work you put into it is only an outward manifestation of the deeper meaning of what it means to be an Honors student. It’s about going beyond the superficial to explore opportunities that might not be apparent or plausible, because they haven’t been tested.”

Alumna and keynote speaker Isabelle Hayes ’19 (Political Science; Communication) addressed this year’s class on the eve of her own graduation from Pace Law School. She shared how lessons she learned as an Honors Program student prepared her for what she’s achieving now.

“You’re entering a transformative time in your life,” she said. “Allow your passion to lead and chase the path you want to pursue but have the courage to let that plan change.”  

Click here to learn more about the Honors Program at SUNY New Paltz.