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SUNY New Paltz recommits to AASCU’s American Democracy Project

SUNY New Paltz joined a group of U.S. colleges and universities that have recommitted to the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU) nonpartisan American Democracy Project, which is celebrating two decades supporting higher education institutions in preparing informed and engaged global citizens.

Campuses that commit to the American Democracy Project aspire to model open, democratic engagement on important issues from multiple perspectives in their communities 

As a member of the American Democracy Project network, SUNY New Paltz is one of a growing number of AASCU campuses in collaborating on creating meaningful and engaging methods of preparing students to participate in a thriving democracy. 

A full list of AASCU American Democracy Project campuses can be found here.

Key benefits for American Democracy Project campuses include access to an array network of leaders, faculty, staff, and students, all of which foster collaborative research and resource-sharing opportunities. Additionally, the project offers regular gatherings such as the annual Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement meeting, professional development opportunities for leaders across all levels, and an extensive national partner network. Participating institutions also have the chance to engage in grant-funded national projects, workshops, and initiatives aligned with their missions.