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CSEA Online Learning Certificate programs available for Management/Confidential (M/C) employees

Management/Confidential (M/C) employees may now participate in the NYS & CSEA Partnership’s Online Learning Certificate Programs, covering everything from diversity, equity, and inclusion to business writing and organizational skills to popular computer software.  

M/C employees must have access to an Empire KnowledgeBank (EKB) license in the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS) to participate. To get started, eligible employees should contact their agency training officer for information on how to obtain an EKB license.  

Upon receipt, M/C employees may enroll in classes under the certificate program. To do so, eligible employees should log in to SLMS and enter a keyword search, such as the SLMS code, program title, or organization name. See the list of available programs and SLMS codes here. The programs are self-paced and can be taken anytime and anywhere from a device with internet access. All learning occurs online in SLMS.  

Participants are required to successfully complete all required courses and achieve a passing grade of 70% or higher in each course by the end of the program to earn a certificate.  

For additional information, please see the attached flyers or go to the Partnership’s website at https://nyscseapartnership.org/onlinelearning-certificate-programs. You may also contact the Partnership directly at (800) 253-4332 or by email to OnlineLearningHelp@nyscseapartnership.org.