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Alumni Reunion Weekend events scheduled to engage alumni across generations, Oct. 14-16

SUNY New Paltz will welcome alumni and guests back to their alma mater for Alumni Reunion Weekend on Oct. 14-16, 2022.  The anticipated program will feature traditional events as well as new additions to engage alums across generations.

“We look forward to this event each year and we’re excited to return to our in-person events on campus,” said Director of Alumni Relations Chris Brown ’85 (Business Administration).

The weekend begins with a Welcome Reception on Friday evening where attendees are invited to reminisce and reconnect with classmates. During the Lantern Society Induction Ceremony members class of 1972 will receive traditional medallions to celebrate their 50th anniversary year. The College will also induct other alumni in attendance who graduated 50 or more years ago but have not yet received their medallion.

On Saturday, alumni and their families can take advantage of campus tours, the All- Class Luncheon, several department-specific talks and workshops in addition to a Welcome Address from President Darrell P. Wheeler.

Saturday events will conclude at the All-Class Reunion Dinner & Awards Ceremony. During this event we will present our 2022 Heritage and Alumni Awards.

Among the new events planned for this fall’s celebration, the College invites alumni of all ages to participate in an innovative oral history event titled, “The Impact of Dr. Margaret Wade-Lewis.” Dr. Wade-Lewis, a beloved former Department of Black Studies faculty member and department chair, joined the College in 1974 and is remembered as a well-respected educator, mentor and student advocate who had a profound impact on the lives of countless New Paltz students, especially students of color.

“SUNY New Paltz is proud to share this new programming featuring Dr. Margaret Wade-Lewis and to continue the meaningful traditions the College has created,” said Brown. “Reunion Weekend is one that the entire campus looks forward to each year.”

Register now for 2022 Alumni Reunion Weekend.