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Introducing Faculty Development Center Interim Co-Directors for 2022-23

The following message was shared with all faculty and staff via email on July 18.

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that three faculty have agreed to serve as the interim co-directors of the Faculty Development Center (FDC) during Sarah Wyman’s time away from campus during the 2022-23 academic year. They will begin their duties on Aug. 1, 2022.


Shannon McManimon, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Social Justice Education Studies

Department: Educational Studies & Leadership
Office: OM 101
Phone: (845) 257-2828
E-mail: mcmanims@newpaltz.edu

Shannon’s work as interim co-director will focus on providing programs, services, and resources for full- and part-time faculty at all stages of their careers.  She will lead the welcome and mentoring of new faculty, promote the use of National Center for Development and Diversity (NCFDD) resources, and facilitate academic writing and scholarly productivity supports for faculty.



Anthony Dandridge, Lecturer in Black Studies

Department: Black Studies
Office: OM B117
Phone: (845) 257-2763
E-mail: dandrida@newpaltz.edu

Anthony’s work as interim co-director will focus on convening the FDC Advisory Board, coordinating FDC programs and events, serving as FDC’s ex officio member of Faculty Senate, and coordinating with the Sustainability Faculty Fellows Learning Community and the DEI Faculty Fellows to support these important strategic academic goals and priorities of the college.



Rachel Rigolino, Instructor of English

Department: English
Office: JFT 802A
Phone: (845) 257-2731
E-mail: rigolinr@newpaltz.edu
Web Site: hawksites.newpaltz.edu/rigolinr

Rachel’s work as interim co-director will focus on facilitating the development of teaching excellence in all modalities, including planning, conducting, hosting, and managing archives of pedagogical best practices training and support materials as well as supporting Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) initiatives and peer mentoring. She will also support the FDC Hawksites webpage and will be the point person for emails to and inquiries about the FDC.


When we begin the fall 2022 semester, please reach out to these faculty colleagues for your FDC needs.


Barbara G. Lyman, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs