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Employee tuition assistance program now open for summer 2022

The Benefits Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion is now accepting employee tuition assistance applications under the SUNY Tuition Assistance Program (B-140W) and the UUP Space Available Program for summer 2022 sessions at any four-year SUNY school.

Applications for the B-140W Program

The B-140W program will pay $150 per credit for up to six credits per term for all employees, including RF employees, working half-time or more. To apply:

  • Complete the B-140W Application form, including supervisor signature. ·
  • If you are taking courses at SUNY New Paltz, you may also submit a Student Fee Waiver Request to have the Student Health Fee and/or Athletic Fee waived.
  • Scan and email all documents, including a printout of your registration information, to kniffina@newpaltz.edu or mail/drop off original documents to Anneliese Kniffin in HAB 607C.
  • The B-140W application deadline is May 13. Submitting your forms by this date will ensure that your application is processed before the final “Payment Due” date.

Applications for the UUP Space Available Program

The UUP Space Available program will cover the full tuition for one class per term for any UUP-represented employee, including part-time employees for classes taken during a term when they are employed. ·

  • Complete a UUP Space Available application form, and scan and email it to kniffina@newpaltz.edu, or mail/bring the original form to Anneliese Kniffin in the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion.
  • Participants are responsible for the cost of any fees and books. Specific fee information is available on the Student Accounts webpage.
  • You may not register for the class more than one week prior to the first day of classes. (There are exceptions; please email kniffina@newpaltz.edu if you have questions.)
  • If you are taking courses at SUNY New Paltz, you may also submit a Student Fee Waiver Request to have the Student Health Fee and/or Athletic Fee waived.
  • The deadline for submitting applications is the last day of class (you can pay up front and then apply for tuition assistance later).
  • Important note: Some schools have a different process for applying; please check with the Registrar or Student Accounts office for the school where you wish to take the class before completing an application form.
  • As of this summer, in keeping with the UUP agreement employees may use this program for only one course during the summer term.

Employees are encouraged to take advantage of the different tuition support and tuition reimbursement programs that are available to them to further their professional development.

For more information on tuition support for professional development programs, please visit https://www.newpaltz.edu/hr/tuition.html. If you have any questions, please email kniffina@newpaltz.edu.