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Get involved with the academic program development process with RAPID3

RAPID3 – Re-envisioning Academic Program (Internal) Development, Design and Delivery – is a subcommittee of the Strategic Planning Council that has been charged with gathering information from stakeholders in the program development, design and review process, so that we might recommend improvements to that process to make it more nimble and less burdensome.

We invite any interested faculty to join our Open Forum on Tuesday, Dec. 7, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. We hope to hear from faculty who have experience shepherding program proposals through the on-campus review processes, as well as faculty who may be interested in leading a new program proposal or major program revisions.

We hope to see you there,

Shala Mills and Kris Backhaus, Co-Chairs


To join the conversation:

Event link: https://newpaltz.webex.com/newpaltz/j.php?MTID=m1d2919e52fd61f5e4d31d58f17e97084

Event number: 2431 518 9079
Event password: n2pM9bvTyK7 (62769288 from phones)
Panelist password: T933zbrgQWP (89339274 from phones and video systems)

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Dial 24315189079@newpaltz.webex.com
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+1-415-655-0001 US Toll, Access code: 2431 518 9079