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Open Educational Resources: The basics, the myths, and the realities, Oct. 13 with OIT

The Office of Instructional Technology will host a workshop about Open Educational Resources, why they matter, and steps faculty can take to find and incorporate ready-made, accessible Open Educational Resources texts into their courses.

The session will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 11:30 a.m. Use this link to join the session when it begins.

The context for this session is that SUNY is in the midst of a multi-year, system-wide Open Educational Resources initiative.

Our Open Educational Resources campus leads, including Chrissy O’Grady, Stephan Macaluso and Rachel Rigolino, will speak about this process, discuss the basics of these teaching tools, and leave time for participants to share experiences, questions and concerns related to Open Educational Resources.

Looking to learn a little more about Open Educational Resources before the session? Check out this infographic for more information!