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The September WellNYS challenge: Mind your posture!

The Employee Assistance Program’s WellNYS Everyday site has published its Daily To-Do calendar for September  2021, “Focus on Foot Health and Posture,” challenging all state employees to resist the urge to slouch and focus on their back and lower body health this month.

The monthly calendar, which can be viewed in full below or downloaded here as a pdf, includes information about posture while sitting, standing and in movement, ways of testing your feet before a walk, and simple exercise ideas you can do right now to improve your head-to-toe fitness.

This is just one feature of the WellNYS site, which also includes resources like directions to great hikes and walking trails and meditation and mindfulness app recommendations.

You can also read EAP’s monthly newsletter, the Connection, for more ideas for self-care and enjoyment.

Have more questions about the resources available through the Employee Assistance Program? Visit our New Paltz chapter online, or reach out at eap@newpaltz.edu to schedule a meeting.