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Employee trainings from the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion: February 2021

The Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion will offer the following trainings and workshops in the coming weeks, to support the development needs and interests of faculty and staff.

Members of our community can request a training via this form. More resources are available at https://www.newpaltz.edu/hr/training/, or by contacting employeetraining@newpaltz.edu.

Webex Tips and Tricks – Tuesday, Feb. 16, 3 – 4 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z1sjqkt51kchoyc/

Webex has upgraded several features and added new ones over the last several months. Join this training session to learn more about breakout rooms, polls, smoother scheduling and other great tips and tricks to make your virtual interactions as engaging as possible.

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Using OneDrive – Wednesday, Feb. 17, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z1fgbj6x0k04l5o/

This session is an introduction to using OneDrive to organize, store, and share files and folders. By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Know how to access OneDrive and understand when and why to use it
  • Understand the different elements of the OneDrive screen; how to modify the layout; how to create folders; and how to upload, download and move files within OneDrive
  • Know several ways of sharing files, and best practices for doing so

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Developing Project Calendars – Thursday, Feb. 18, 10 – 11 a.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/zugvlg01vvilml/

Have you ever started a large project with the idea that you would meet a particular deadline and been completely off the mark about your timeline? In this interactive workshop we will explore best practices for developing realistic project calendars to help you clearly communicate with colleagues and set expectations for what you need to do to hit your target completion date. The workshop is best used for developing a calendar for a multi-month to multi-year project.

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Creating Forms with Adobe – Monday, Feb. 22, 2 – 3 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z92bsdv0juoix1/

In this session we will show you how to create paperless forms using Adobe.

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Cultivating Self-Awareness – Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1 – 3 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/zehpkp41850b96/

Seeing ourselves clearly helps us to succeed and to connect more meaningfully with others. However, building robust self-awareness can be tricky. In this session we will discuss roadblocks for realistic self-assessment and enhance your reflective toolkit.

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Tools for Working Remotely – Thursday, Feb. 25, 2 – 3 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z9oi9zd0f8kzz1/

Are you making the most of our campus’ resources and tools for remote work? This session will provide an overview of options for how to effectively connect and collaborate while working remotely using existing campus resources.

Topics will include accessing information, scheduling resources, collaboration tools, platforms for connecting, available software and the support available while working remotely.

Open to all members of the campus community. Presented via Webex; access information will be provided prior to the session.

Please keep an eye on the Daily Digest for information about trainings coming in March, including sessions on:

Word Tips and Tricks

Hosting Events in Webex (new)

Passwords & Security (new)

Navigating Work/Life Balance (new)

Using Desktop Outlook (new)

Intro to SharePoint

Troubleshooting and Working with IT Support

Excel Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

Using OneDrive

Counseling & Counseling Memos

… and more!