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Supporting employees through the transition to weekly COVID-19 testing

The following message was shared with faculty and staff via email on Jan. 27.

Testing, testing, testing…

As many of you are already aware, we have increased the COVID-19 testing capacity and frequency of testing for students and employees for the spring 2021 semester. This is one of many measures we must take to keep our campus community safe, but I recognize that for some members of our community, more frequent testing may also raise worry or anxiety. It can be hard to wait for test results, and I empathize with those experiencing stress about whether you may have been exposed, despite your best efforts.

If this is causing increased anxiety for you, please be sure to avail yourself of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services. Likewise, if you are recovering from COVID-19 or are a caretaker for someone who has been exposed, please consider the support available through EAP and find ways to practice self-care. Please visit https://sites.newpaltz.edu/eap/ for more information, or contact our dedicated and caring EAP Coordinators at (845) 257-2886 or eap@newpaltz.edu.

We are now nearly one year removed from normal campus operations, and many of us are familiar with the feeling of “pandemic fatigue.” I implore colleagues across campus to stay vigilant: Continue to practice social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing, and take advantage of frequent testing, which has been proven to help with early detection and slowing the spread of COVID-19. We are so fortunate to have access to frequent testing, especially at a time when testing resources are strained throughout the state. It is helpful to remember that faculty and staff do not have to have a negative test result before teaching or coming to the office. However, those with regular campus presence should schedule testing either three days prior or up to five days after being on campus.

Symptoms of the common cold and flu are similar to COVID-19, so please don’t dismiss your symptoms as minor. Take precaution by advising your supervisor and not reporting to campus if you are experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms.

The staff in the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion are here to help. If you are ill and can’t report to work, please contact benefits@newpaltz.edu or 845-257-3172.

With best wishes for a healthy semester,

Tanhena Pacheco Dunn
Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer