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February trainings and workshops from the Office of Instructional Technology

The Office of Instructional Technology invites faculty and staff to continue building their online teaching skills at the following trainings and working sessions taking place in early February.

Knowmia: Getting Started
Feb. 1, 12 – 1 p.m.
Webex Link
: Join the “Knowmia: Getting Started” session

If you haven’t tried Knowmia yet, now is the time to learn more. Knowmia is a new multimedia platform that offers a lot of functionality for creating and housing video content, encouraging engagement with this content, and monitoring student use.

This introductory session will cover:

  • How to access Knowmia
  • Available tools and functionality
  • Creating and uploading content
  • Integration with Blackboard

This session is designed for beginners. Those who have some experience with Knowmia might prefer the Beyond Basics session on Feb. 9.

Webex and Blackboard Integration
Feb. 4, 10 – 11 a.m.
Webex Link
: Join the “Webex and Blackboard Integration” session

If you are using Webex in your classes, you might benefit from using the Webex integration within Blackboard to link your Webex sessions to your Blackboard courses.

In this session we will cover:

  • Adding the Webex integration to your course
  • Basic set up and tool preview
  • Tips for effective use

Regular & Substantive Interaction in the Online/Hybrid Learning Environment
Feb. 8, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Webex Link
: Join the Regular & Substantive Interaction Session

Based on the Provost’s report and SUNY Chancellor Malatras’s directive, the Faculty Development Center and the Office of Instructional Technology will co-facilitate a discussion on ways to establish presence in the online/hybrid classroom and to ensure connections between:

  • Student and course content
  • Student and instructor
  • Student and student

We will discuss regular and consistent communication with students and setting up the course in a clear and consistent way as a foundation to better student engagement.

Knowmia: Beyond Basics
Feb. 9, 2 – 3 p.m.
Advance registration required using this link

This is a workshop for faculty and staff who’d like to expand their Knowmia skillset. This workshop will be hosted by our Knowmia representative and will provide more in-depth coverage of tools like quizzes and conversations and why using these tools can help increase engagement with your content.

This session is open to all, but is geared towards those who feel confident with the basics already. If you’re new to Knowmia, we recommend attending the Knowmia: Getting Started session on Feb. 1 to get more familiar with the fundamentals.

Lecture Recording: Best Practices
Feb. 11, 3 – 4 p.m.
Webex Link
: Join the Lecture Recording: Best Practices session

This workshop will focus on planning for and recording high quality audio and/or video lectures. When you spend the time to make recorded content, you want it to be as effective, accessible, and professional as possible.

Following some simple best practices will help you create long-lasting course content that will engage with students.