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What are the characteristics of an effective teacher education program? Educational Studies faculty offers insights at Indian webinar on National Education Policy 2020

Mathew Swerdloff, (Educational Studies and Leadership), shared his expertise on the “Characteristics of an Effective Teacher Education Program,” before a group of more than 200 Indian educators.

In July of 2020 the Prime Minister of India approved a sweeping educational reform program, “National Education Policy 2020”. The policy aims to bring India’s national education system, a legacy of the colonial era, into the 21st century.

The online webinar was sponsored by the St. Soldier College of Education and the Paradise College of Education, and offered historical, political, and pedagogical perspectives on the reform initiative. Swerdloff shared from his experiences as a school administrator in New York state and his knowledge of school reform efforts in the United States. The presentation focused on five key characteristics of concern: coherence, pedagogy, leadership, experience and mentorship.

Swerdloff has been invited to connect again with the faculty of both institutions to assist as they work to implement the new policy.