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Faculty Development Center partnering with SUNY COIL to create online international learning courses

The SUNY Center for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is offering remote trainings to support faculty in building collaborative courses and academic projects across national boundaries.

New Paltz faculty are eligible to receive tuition support from the Faculty Development Center for an upcoming COIL Foundations course, beginning April 20, that focuses on how to facilitate the online and cultural aspects of a COIL collaboration.

Faculty can sign up for the SUNY COIL Foundations course using this link, and learn more about the SUNY COIL Center at their website.

The Faculty Development Center and SUNY COIL are also collaborating on a six-week summer course for students, based on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

This six-credit SUNY course will count towards either GE requirements or a student’s major course of study, depending on the lens through which the student approaches the particular Global Goal. Students will begin in a World Cafe, where they will learn storytelling modes and cultural competency, then be grouped with those who share a common interest in one of the Global Goals. International students and community partners from around the world will participate.

This course is intended to compensate for Study Abroad experiences, canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. SUNY COIL will be soliciting participation from faculty as either “content creators” who produce materials to be shared on the creative commons, or as faculty of record who teach over a two-three week period.

COIL will host a webinar to roll out this project Tues, April 21, time TBD.

Contact the Faculty Development Center at facultycenter@newpaltz.edu for more information about tuition support.