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SUNY’s Got Your Back: New Paltz joins statewide effort to help violence survivors

A SUNY initiative to create and distribute comfort bags for victims and survivors of violence comes to New Paltz on Wednesday, Feb. 27, and the Title IX Working Group is inviting all campus community members to drop by and lend a hand.

The SUNY’s Got Your Back program launched in 2016 with the support of public and private funding, with a mission of supporting the thousands of adults and children who seek assistance at New York’s hospitals, rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters each year.

Many survivors of violence turn to these facilities as a last resort, possessing little more than the clothes on their back.

SUNY’s Got Your Back aims to provide small comfort to these people at their time of greatest need. The bags distributed through this program are filled with personal care items by volunteers at SUNY campuses across the state.

This year, SUNY New Paltz has pledged to stuff 2,500 bags, which will go to domestic violence agencies and hospitals in the Hudson Valley Region.

The College has all the materials in place, and just needs help from volunteers in our campus community to stuff them and get them ready to be delivered where they’re needed.

The SUNY’s Got Your Back event will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 27, from 1 – 4 p.m. in the Student Union Building Multipurpose Room.

Whether you can give five minutes or two hours, all students, faculty, staff and alumni are all invited to contribute to this effort. Thank you!

For more information, contact Emma Morcone at morconee@newpaltz.edu or (845) 257 3675, or visit the campus’s SUNY’s Got Your Back web hub to learn more and register.