College opens second Mothers’ Room

SUNY New Paltz is pleased to announce the opening of a second room on campus, Humanities 308, where new mothers can privately and comfortably express breast milk or nurse their children.
The College opened the first Mothers’ Room on campus in 2015, responding to requests for a secure space for nursing and caretaking by retrofitting Student Union Building room 429, and opening it to members of the faculty, staff and student population, as well as to campus visitors.
The opening of the new Mothers’ Room in Humanities 308, intended only for use by faculty, staff and students, provides a second comfortable space in a convenient location near classrooms and office areas.
Each room is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, comfortable furniture and a locking door. There are power strips for charging and powering devices, and bulletin boards for users’ favorite baby pictures. There are also lockers available for those who prefer to leave personal items securely in the rooms.
Faculty and staff may request a key from Jane Gallucci, assistant director of benefits in the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion, in person at Haggerty Administration Building (HAB) room 601A, or by phone at (845) 257-3169.
Students who wish to use the rooms must first register for key access in Student Union Building room 211, the Student Activities and Union Services Office. Once registered, students will be permitted to obtain a key from the Student Union HQ Desk in the Atrium Lobby, as needed.
One key allows access to both Mothers’ Rooms. Both Mothers’ Rooms will remain locked at all times.