Mechanical engineering program earns ABET accreditation;
Computer and Electrical Engineering accreditation affirmed

SUNY New Paltz’s mechanical engineering program, which launched in 2014, has earned Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accreditation for the first time, while programs in computer and electrical engineering saw their ABET accreditation affirmed and extended.
“The engineering faculty have done an excellent job in rapidly developing an outstanding mechanical engineering program and updating and enhancing our already strong electrical and computer engineering programs,” said Dean of the School of Science & Engineering Dan Freedman. “ABET accreditation is the baseline from which we can continue to grow our engineering programs to meet the strong demand in the Hudson Valley.”
ABET accredits only those programs that meet the high standards necessary to produce graduates who are ready to enter and thrive in rapidly changing STEM professions.
Their review of SUNY New Paltz cited multiple programmatic strengths, including the College’s modern facilities, efforts to increase women representation in engineering programs, capstone experiences and co-curricular opportunities.
ABET pointed to the 2017 opening of Science Hall, and the upcoming opening of the Engineering Innovation Hub in 2019, as evidence that students and faculty in engineering programs will have access to cutting-edge laboratory and research spaces well into the future.
ABET also recognized SUNY New Paltz’s efforts to address the gender imbalance in engineering fields. The College’s mechanical engineering program enrolls a much higher percentage of women (approximately 25 percent) than the national average (13 percent). The Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) outreach program plays an important role in helping women enter and succeed in these disciplines, by organizing engineering camps and workshops for both collegiate and high school students.
The Division of Engineering Programs also earned praise for its senior design curriculum, a year-long creative experience that culminates in the Engineering Design Expo. This event brings students face-to-face with professionals in engineering fields, who judge the competition and frequently expose students to job opportunities in the Hudson Valley.
One more asset cited in the ABET review is the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center, which houses the College’s programs in digital design and fabrication, as well as a large and growing set of 3D printers. All engineering students use this facility during an introductory course, and many return to it for design projects and internship opportunities.
Learn more about the Division of Engineering Programs at SUNY New Paltz online, or visit the pages of the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering programs for detailed information about educational objectives, student outcomes, and enrollment and graduation figures.
About ABET Accreditation
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) is the leading nonprofit organization accrediting programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.
The accreditation review process is led by professionals in academia, industry and government, who each have expertise in their profession’s workforce needs, and review academic programs to ensure they provide the technical and professional skills graduates need to succeed.
ABET accredits programs, not institutions, and ABET accreditation is a voluntary process. More than 3,800 programs at more than 775 colleges and universities in 31 countries have received ABET accreditation since 1932.
More information about ABET accreditation is available online.