
A look back and a look forward – The SUNY New Paltz Foundation celebrates 40 years


The SUNY New Paltz Foundation held a 40th Anniversary celebration in the newly renovated Wooster Hall on campus Oct. 17.

Remarks from President Donald P. Christian, Founding Board Director Anthony Costa, and Board Chair Mike Keegan, were shared as a crowd of College community members toasted nearly a half-century of philanthropy.

Philanthropy has literally changed the physical and academic landscape at New Paltz, said Keegan. “The role of the Foundation has been, and continues to be, to support the educational experience of our students and the innovative work of our faculty by providing them with the resources to take advantage of things like research, travel abroad, internships, and other opportunities that might not have been possible otherwise.”

The Foundation was formed with the purpose of building a margin of excellence through the creation of programs, opportunities, and support above and beyond what the College was able to do with State funding and tuition.

One element of that funding is scholarships. Forty years ago, the Foundation’s beginning assets of $60,000 were exclusively scholarship funds that had been held by the Faculty Student Association. From those humble beginnings, the Foundation now holds total assets of nearly $34 million including an endowment of more than $19 million and 42 acres of property contiguous to the College. In an era of diminishing state support, increasing tuition cost, and concern that many young people are being priced out of a college education, scholarships remain a top philanthropic priority and an important part of fulfilling the Foundation’s commitment to educating future generations, including people of limited financial means.

Current student and recipient of the Edward A. Carroll & Gina O’Brien Carroll Experiential Scholarship, Camille Ashley Chavez ’17 spoke at the celebration and shared what Foundation support has done for her, specifically giving her the opportunity to study abroad in France.

Camille Ashley Chavez ’17

 With the generous support of my donors, I am a step closer to my dream,” said Chavez. “There are not enough thank you cards that Hallmark can make or words in a thesaurus to express my gratitude towards my donors. Thank you for everything and most of all, thank you for believing in me.”

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