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Engineering professor talks TINKER camp and manufacturing on radio broadcasts

dahlerReena Dahle, assistant professor in the Division of Engineering Programs, recently appeared on two radio broadcasts, including the nationally-syndicated 51%, to discuss her work as an instructor and organizer of the TINKER summer camp at SUNY New Paltz.

Dahle appears in episode 1416 of 51%, which is nationally distributed on National Public Radio and ABC Radio Network stations, to discuss her work this summer leading the first ever TINKER camp for high school-aged girls interested in science and engineering.

“The great thing is, about half of them want to come back next summer to do the camp again, so that to me is a sign of success,” Dahle said. “I want them to become more curious about things around them, to ask how things work and why they work.”

[Listen to 51% via this link]

Dahle was also one of a number of School of Science & Engineering faculty and staff who participated in a radio broadcasts for local station WKIP and iHeartRadio. WKIP first came to campus for a live show on Oct. 7, in celebration of National Manufacturing Day.

Dahle’s interview took place in the WKIP studios following that event. It has been published on the WKIP website and can be streamed in its entirety.

Assistant Professor Jared Nelson also took part in a WKIP radio interview, which is also available for listening via the WKIP website.

More information about the School of Science & Engineering is available online.