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Division of Administration & Finance convenes budget forum for faculty and staff

Members of the SUNY New Paltz faculty and staff met in an open forum on Oct. 14 to discuss the current state of the College’s core operating budget, and consider options that may alleviate the current budget deficit.

A combination of factors including the lapse of New York State’s rational tuition policy for SUNY schools, a reduction in state funding for New Paltz and diminishing graduate enrollment revenue has the College facing an estimated deficit of $2 million or more for budget year 2016-17.

In his 2016 State of the College Address, President Donald P. Christian said that these changes “demand that we take significant – and difficult – steps this year to adjust our economy.”

This budget forum represented a significant step in opening the conversation about how to proceed to the broad campus community. President Christian and Vice President for Administration & Finance Michele Halstead briefed the more than 100 attending faculty and staff on the budget situation, before an open discussion during which those present raised questions, voiced concerns and proposed solutions.

For those unable to be at the forum, the slideshow prepared by Vice President Halstead can be viewed by logging in to my.newpaltz.edu, clicking on the “Budget Information Center” link in the Resources menu, and downloading the file named “Budget Forum Presentation 10-14-2016.”

Further options for soliciting feedback and contributing to the decision-making process on the budget situation will be announced at a later date.