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Faculty and staff awards, honors, and appointments

Congratulations to the following faculty and staff members for their notable awards, honors, appointments and promotions:

New Paltz faculty from geology, biology and geography are authors on 6 different paper, which will be recognized at the American Geophysical Union meeting to be held in San Francisco, Calif., from Dec.15-19. Congratulations to Assistant Professors Huicheng Chien (Geography), Gordana Garapic (Geology), and David Richardson (Biology).

Amanda Cora (Print and Mail Services) has been appointed Supply Assistant.

Peter Kennedy (Custodial) has been appointed Cleaner.

Corinne Nyquist (Library) was the first local winner of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship. Nyquist is head of Interlibrary Loan at the Sojourner Truth Library and is creator of the website On the trail of Sojourner Truth in Ulster County. Her recently published book, “Resource Sharing Today: A Practical Guide to Interlibrary Loan, Consortial Circulation, and Global Cooperation,” presents answers to the questions raised on library listservs about what those in charge of interlibrary loan should know, including topics of automation, codes, copyright, holdings, policies, rules, and theory. She is also the author of a chapter in the recently released book “Small Library Manager’s Handbook.”

Vicki Vincent (Records & Registration) has been appointed Secretary 1.

Eve Waltermaurer, associate professor (Sociology) and director of research and evaluation (CRREO), received a $14,000 grant from Ulster Prevention Council for her project titled, “Ulster Prevention Council Youth Development Survey 2014.”

Greta Winograd, assistant professor (Psychology), and Jonathan Rust, associate professor (Psychology), published the article “Stigma, Awareness of Support Services, and Academic Help-Seeking Among Historically Underrepresented First Year College Students,” in the fall 2014 issue of The Learning Assistance Review.