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SUNY New Paltz President appointed to Central Hudson Board of Directors

SUNY New Paltz President Donald P. Christian has been appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, effective May 30, 2014.

“As president, it continues to be an honor to represent SUNY New Paltz in the region,” said Christian. “In many ways, this appointment is a formal recognition of the high regard the community at large holds for the College, our many collective accomplishments, and our integral role in the Hudson Valley and beyond.”

The Board oversees management in areas that include strategic planning, safety, customer satisfaction, quality of service, environmental compliance, cost management, financial performance, financial integrity, and internal controls – all under extensive regulation by the New York State Public Service Commission. Central Hudson’s corporate culture is committed to high ethical behavior, compliance with law and regulation, and sustaining a high level of customer service, consistent with institutional values at SUNY New Paltz.

“My service will enhance and support many of the College’s and SUNY’s strategic goals, including serving the region and engaging in public-private partnerships and other efforts to revitalize New York’s economy,” said Christian. “The stable and efficient energy-distribution network that Central Hudson provides is an essential element of economic vitality in the region and is key to the future of the College. I look forward to developing a broader perspective on energy issues that will inform long-term planning of the College’s energy needs and use.”

As a state policy maker, Christian’s service in this compensated board role was finalized only after the approval of SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher, review by SUNY Human Resources and legal counsel officials, and an extremely detailed and thorough review and subsequent approval by the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics.

As a measure of gratitude for the opportunities such as this that come to him as President, Christian, and his wife, Sandy, will establish a new scholarship endowment. The Don and Sandy Christian Presidential Scholarship Endowment will provide scholarship support for one or more students each year. Presidential Scholars will have distinguished themselves academically and have been accepted to participate in faculty-mentored student research and scholarship through the Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Program or CRREO.