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Film screening of Bordering on Treason to be held April 29

borderingontreason film screening
Bordering on Treason features New Paltz alumna  Lorna Tychostup ’88 (pictured at right).

The Media and Journalism Society and Department of Communication and Media at SUNY New Paltz will be hosting a screening of the documentary film Bordering on Treason on Tuesday, April 29 at 6 p.m. in Lecture Center 102 on the New Paltz campus. A Q&A with documentary subject alumna Lorna Tychostup ’88 (psychology) , and adjunct professor at SUNY New Paltz, will follow the screening.

Bordering on Treason tells the extraordinary and inspiring story of Tychostup, a single mother, political writer, and photojournalist from New Paltz, who, on the brink of war, travels to Iraq determined to put a human face on the past decade’s most conspicuous and tragic global crisis.   Returning to Iraq continuously for nine years and traveling unprotected, she visits military units, Iraqi families, and insurgent villages and returns home each time with haunting photographs and poignant stories of ordinary Iraqis she hopes will sway people against the invasion. Interviewing government officials, and political and business leaders, Tychostup evolves from naïve civilian to seasoned journalist.

Bordering On Treason began in 2003 as a collective effort by Director/Producer Trish Dalton, Jesse Epstein and San Tong, and other NY-based filmmakers interested in putting a human face on the war, and understanding it in an emotional way. Tychostup’s often heart-wrenching journey, connecting on a personal level with people in a war zone, offered the personal experience they were looking for. A combination of verité, personal journal and interview footage, Bordering On Treason takes viewers on an intimate exploration of the lives of the Iraqis and American soldiers Tychostup encounters.

Bordering On Treason recently premiered at DOC NYC 2013, New York’s premiere documentary film festival, and was awarded Best Short Documentary 2013 at the Big Apple Film Festival.

The screening is a part of Media and Journalism Week at SUNY New Paltz and is free and open to the public.