Athletics Archives

Senior Spotlight

This weeks senior spotlight features women’s volleyball player Stephanie Bova.

Stephanie Bova, 21 years old:

How did you get involved in volleyball? How old were you?
It was something to do with my friends when I was in eighth grade.

Did you play any other sports in high school?

Tennis and lacrosse.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Derek (24), Val (22), and Dana (10)

What would you say is your favorite food?
Chicken wings.

If you could go on a celebrity dream date, who would it be with?

Ray Allen.

What is your greatest moment in sports?
When we beat Fredonia for regional title, and going to Nationals (elite 8).

What’s your favorite movie?
Wedding Crashers.

What’s your favorite color?

Most influential person(s) in your life?
My parents.

If you could take three things to a deserted island, what would you bring?

My blackberry, Harry Potter books, and a hammock.

What is your dream job?
To be a professional poker player.

Are you on Facebook or a MySpace?

Fill in the blank: If I hear about the swine flu one more time, I’ll scream!

Invite four famous people, living or dead, to a dinner party:

Kobe Bryant, Vince Vaughn, Peyton Manning, and Jay-Z.