News Releases

School of Business recognizes exemplary faculty and staff

NEW PALTZ – The School of Business at the State University of New York at New Paltz announces the 2009 recipients of its service and teaching awards.

Professors Ted Clark and Bruce Mather will receive the Distinguished Service Award and the Distinguished Teaching Award, respectively. School of Business staff members Toni Rizzo and Rendesia Scott will each receive the Staff Service Award.

Created in 2008, the awards recognize members of the school’s faculty and staff who demonstrated outstanding service and teaching effectiveness.

The faculty and staff will receive their awards during the School of Business’s Annual Award Ceremony, which will also include the Honor Society induction and presentation of student academic and service awards, on May 1 in Parker Theatre.

“I am pleased and honored to recognize the extraordinary professional services of our school’s star faculty and staff members – they have truly earned this recognition,” said Hadi Salavitabar, dean of the School of Business.

Clark has “demonstrated exemplary leadership and commitment to the school’s mission” in his work as director of the Business Institute and faculty adviser of the college’s American Marketing Association (AMA) chapter.

The dean said Mather, who teaches both legal environments of business and business law for undergraduate accounting students, consistently receives positive evaluations from students, and is known for presenting memorable lessons.

Rizzo, administrative assistant to the School of Business dean, performs the large number of activities and tasks associated with her job with patience, which provides ”a supportive environment to its members, including faculty, staff, students and guests,” said Salavitabar.

As senior academic adviser for the School of Business, Scott oversees students’ progress through the program, which this year included implementing a new student record system. Salavitabar said her “attention to detail and commitment to this enormous task are very much appreciated by the students, faculty and college staff.”

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