Athletics Archives

THINK PINK Event Big Success

NEW PALTZ, NY — On February 8th, 2008 the SUNY New Paltz Athletic Department took part in a Think Pink event, where the basketball team hosted Cortland. The team, athletic staff and fans participated in raising breast cancer awareness. Local businesses were asked to become sponsors for this event by making donations to the Kay Yow Breast Cancer Fund and half of the ticket sales for that night were donated by the Athletic Department to the charity. The fans were asked to wear pink to show their support and also given a chance to make donations throughout the night. Fans were given pink colored basketball programs, pink ribbon pins, and pink ribbon key chains. In order to show support for the victims and survivors of this disease, the Women’s Basketball Team laced their shoes with Think Pink shoelaces, and wore Think Pink tee-shirts during their warm-up. The excitement continued throughout the night as Think Pink T-shirts and mugs were raffled off during time outs. The New Paltz dance team wore pink during their routine and the cheerleaders tied pink ribbon in their hair. With a tremendous turnout, this event was perceived to be a success by all in attendance, and we were able to raise $750 for the Kay Yow Breast Cancer fund. Thank you to everyone for their support during the event and for helping to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Women’s Basketball Team in their THINK PINK t-shirts.

The women’s basketball team laced their shoes with pink shoelaces to show their support.

Araseli Watson got in the Think Pink spirit by wearing pink from head to toe.