News Releases

Political science student gains top internship at U.S. Supreme Court

NEW PALTZ — As a political science major at the State University of New York at New Paltz, with a particular interest in law and government,

Brandon Waterman

Brandon Waterman (Sand Lake) has arguably landed the best possible internship available. Recently, he was selected as the top choice out of 24 candidates to be an intern at the United States Supreme Court for spring ’06.

Nancy Kassop, professor and chair of the political science department at New Paltz, has taught Waterman in six of her classes, and said that she has been trying for decades to get a student on the inside at the Supreme Court.

“This puts him in an extremely rare, selective club – your fate is sealed professionally,” said Kassop. “Brandon is well organized and has a plan – he is just on a trajectory.”

Waterman, who has a minor in philosophy and communication, has been on the dean’s list for seven semesters and has a 3.78 GPA. In addition, he is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha: National Political Science Honor Society; Phi Eta Sigma: National Honor Society; and the National Residence Hall Honorary: Phi Psi Chapter. He is also a resident assistant and serves as the vice president of the Resident Hall Student Association.

“I am really excited about spending my last semester in Washington, D.C., working and learning in the center of my field – law and government,” said Waterman, who will attend law school next fall at either Georgetown, George Washington, Duke, William and Mary or the University of Virginia.

Waterman will perform a number of duties in the Office of the Clerk 32 hours a week, including clerical work, dealing with petitions that are filed at the court and answering questions from petitioners and lawyers. He will also have the opportunity to watch various oral arguments in front of the court and attend ceremonies and important events that are open only to select individuals.

Last summer, Waterman interned in the Rensselaer County Courthouse in Troy, as well as in the office of U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer in Albany. He also worked in the law office of Jonathan D. Katz in New Paltz, where he organized and filed documents and case files, prepared legal documents and assisted clients who called or visited the law office.

Most recently, Waterman assisted SUNY New Paltz President Steven Poskanzer with his Introduction to Law course last fall. Waterman conducted legal research for three class debates and served as a resource for Poskanzer.

Note to editors: A photograph of Brandon Waterman is available on the SUNY New Paltz Web site at