News Releases

Guest lecturer to speak about understanding U.S. militarism on Nov. 21

NEW PALTZ — The 9/11 Response Planning Committee, Sociology Department and the Scudder Hall staff at SUNY New Paltz are sponsoring a lecture on Thursday, Nov. 21, titled “The Machine that Makes War: Understanding U.S. Militarism at All Levels.” The guest lecturer will be Joel Kovel, Alger Hiss professor of social studies at Bard College.

“While it is obvious that the drive toward war in Iraq is the result of immediate political and economic motives, we also need to contend with U.S. militarism in all its forms,” said Kovel. “This talk shall address these deeper structures. Why, and how, has the U.S. become a war-making machine?”

Joel Kovel is the author of nine books and over one hundred essays on a wide range of subjects, most recently, “The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?” He ran for the United States Senate from New York in 1998 representing the Green Party.

The event will begin at 7 p.m in Lecture Center 102. Admission free. For more information, call (845) 257-2827.