School of Business

Business Student and Alumni Day 2001

The School of Business is pleased to announce its annual Business Student and Alumni Day 2001 on October 6th, 2001, as part of the overall University Alumni Reunion Day. The planned events will enrich the educational experience of our current students (both undergraduate and graduate), help us fortify relationships with our alumni, allow us to showcase our MBA students to the business community, and continue to position ourselves as a resource to businesses in the region. This event is unique in that it is one of wide appeal to the academic community as well as the business community. In order for our Business School to remain vital, we must be proactive by pulling together all of our constituents, those being our students, alumni, faculty and staff, and business partners, for collaborative and innovative learning opportunities that are both formal and informal in nature. This event will do all of these things through the following means:

Friday, October 5, 2001 – MBA/Alumni/Business Executive Networking Gathering – Hopfer Admissions and Alumni Center (This event is by invitation only as space is limited to 65) This event will showcase our MBA students to the business community. Key business community members are invited to meet our current MBA students and business alumni. The idea is to create, maintain, or expand a student’s network of contacts, leading to potential job opportunities, potential internship placements, or positive contacts within their field of interest. Prior to the event, MBA students will be prepped with soft skills training sessions offered within the School of Business. Students will be encouraged to bring their current resumes and business cards. Contact Jean Poirier at 845-257 – 2930 for further information.

Saturday, October 6, 2001 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast Mingle – Come meet with faculty, administrators, alumni and current students while enjoying a light breakfast!

10:00 AM – 11:00AM Guest Speaker – Vincent Cozzolino, IBM, VP WW Interconnect Products Manufacturing & East Fishkill Senior Location Executive. He will lead an energetic discussion on Leadership VS. Management and will describe some of his most challenging experiences at IBM.

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Guest Speaker, Scott Hutchins, President, PDQ Manufacturing Learn of his experience and hear about Opportunities in the Hudson Valley Region. Under Mr. Hutchins leadership PDQ has grown from a small metal working company to a progressive manufacturer of sheet metal enclosures. Mr. Hutchins has developed a world wide customer base and expanded the company into two facilities which has provided the opportunity to learn how to operate satellite facilities for future world wide expansions utilizing Internet tools for communication.

12:15 PM – 2:00 PM 5th Annual BBQ Alumni Luncheon – Hopfer Admissions Center, rear lawn. (Registration and fee required:

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Tours of School of Business Building (SBB) and campus

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Alumni Association Recognition Reception Location: Purple Lounge, Student Union (Come see Hadi win an award!!)

6:30 PM – 10:00 PM An Evening of Dinner and Dancing Location: Multi-purpose Room, Student Union Class Reunions of 1976, 1981, 1991, and 1996 (Registration and fee required:

We hope to see you there!

For further information or to register, please use the web links above!