SUNY’s Summer Session Programs Offer Great Variety
NEW PALTZ — The State University of New York at New Paltz will offer a broad selection of courses for the 1998 Summer Session. The first four-week session will begin on May 27 and end on June 23; the second five-week session will begin on June 29 and end on August 3. More than 200 day and evening classes will be offered on campus and at convenient extension sites throughout the region. Registration will be held April 2 and continue until the first day of classes in each session.
Of particular interest are special programs which include study abroad choices in a variety of countries, language intensives either on weekends or as language vacations, learning English as a second language, and participating in the summer Archaeological Field School, Music in the Mountains, or the College’s Summer Repertory Theatre program. Additional offerings consist of Hudson River Studies with the Clearwater, the Institute for Advanced Piano Study with Vladimir Feltsman, and the National Guitar Summer Workshop. There are also a variety of programs which may be of particular interest to classroom teachers. They include the Classroom Technology Institute, Process Pedagogy: The Arts as Education, Computers as Learning Toys, Environmental Education in the Outdoors, and the Summer Reading & Writing Institute.
Courses are open to everyone on either a credit or non-credit basis, including recent high school graduates who want to get a head start on their college requirements; college students attending SUNY New Paltz or any other college or university; and teachers who plan to continue their education during the summer.
For more information, call (845) 257-2902, or send e-mail to, or visit our website at