Satellite Broadcast Addresses Copyright Issues On the Internet
NEW PALTZ — The PBS Adult Learning Satellite Service will present a satellite broadcast titled “Copyright Issues on the Internet,” at the State University of New York at New Paltz on April 2. The program is open to faculty and professional staff of SUNY New Paltz, and the community colleges of Ulster, Orange, Dutchess, Sullivan, Rockland, and Westchester counties.
The broadcast will be most helpful to those planning to use the internet for instruction, particularly those creating or teaching online courses. It is crucial for internet educators to understand the rules governing fair use and cyberspace law due to the complexity of copyright issues and the institutional and individual liabilities of copyright infringement.
Topics to be addressed include identifying downloaded material that is copyrighted, determining which materials can lawfully be included in an online course, understanding the differences in fair use between traditional classrooms and distance education, deciphering the fair use section of the copyright law as it pertains to online applications, and deciding what copyright information needs to be stated in institutional policies. Through the PBS Web site,, or by e-mailing presenters viewers will be able to submit questions they would like to have addressed during the live broadcast.
Immediately following the broadcast, Wilma Schmidt, senior assistant librarian in the Sojourner Truth Library, will provide a brief overview of resources to which SUNY faculty and staff can connect through the library’s home page, including the Online Catalog, FirstSearch, Carl UnCover, SearchBank, and Proquest Direct. Web site examples and Citation Guides that explain bibliographic formats for citing electronic sources will also be accessed for viewers reference.
The broadcast is sponsored by the Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable and the Office of Academic Affairs. It will be held in LC 100, beginning at 2:30 p.m.
Registration for the event is required by March 31 and must include registrant’s name, address and school of employment, e-mail address, and number of attendees. This information can be submitted by e-mailing with the subject line “Copyright Issues Satellite Conference” or by calling (845) 257-2904.