Faculty & staff awards, honors, and appointments
Congratulations to the following faculty and staff members for their notable awards, honors, and appointments:
Karen Bell, chair (Educational Administration), has received a $37,315 grant from SUNY Central for her project titled, “Educating All Students (EAS) Test Review Module.”
Shafiul Chowdhury, associate professor (Geology), has received a $77,484 grant from Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (Cornell Coop Ext.) for his work titled, “Assessing the impact of groundwater and heterogeneous glacial deposits on stream bank erosion in the Stony Clove Creek watershed.”
Shaun Hoff, assistant director/compliance coordinator, reported that the Financial Aid Office embarked on a successful publicity campaign to inform students of significant changes to the financial aid application and verification process, as well as to raise awareness to financial aid applicants about using the IRS Data Retrieval tool.
Douglas Judson has been appointed project manager in the Department of Design and Construction.
Sara Pasti, director, reported that the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art’s recent grant of $2,425 from the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area grant program for planning activities related to our Hudson Valley Visual Art Collections Consortium was celebrated on Wednesday, July 2, in Hyde Park, N.Y.
Nicholas Rama has been appointed senior development officer in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
Josh Simons, senior research associate (CRREO), has received a $10,000 grant from Ford Foundation for his project titled, “City of Poughkeepsie Online Interactive Vacant Property Map.”
Eve Waltermaurer, associate professor (Sociology)/director research & evaluation (CRREO), has received a $14,205 grant from Orange County BOCES for her project titled, “Provide Services to Implement & Disseminate a County-Wide Web-Based Youth Risk Survey.”
Katherine Wilson has been appointed assistant director of the Hudson Valley Manufacturing Center.