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One Book/One New Paltz selects Nemesis for community read

One Book/One New Paltz announces the selection of “Nemesis,” by Philip Roth, as the community read for 2014.

Roth’s latest book, and perhaps his last, “Nemesis,” is set in 1944 Newark, N.J.  World War II rages abroad and another war—in the form of polio—rages at home.  Bucky, a virtuous young man whose eyesight keeps him from military service, works with children over the summer as the threat of polio looms. This is a story about responsibility, fear, guilt, spirituality, tragedy, and happiness—in the hands of a great, prolific writer.

The One Book/One New Paltz committee is in the process of crafting programming—to be held the week of Nov.17—to promote campus and community engagement with and conversation about this book. Look for details on the One Book/One New Paltz webpage at https://sites.google.com/site/onebookonenewpaltz/  or on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/166123678514/.

About One Book/One New Paltz
Associate Vice President for Regional Engagement Gerald Benjamin, director of the Center for Research, Regional Education & Outreach, founded One Book/One New Paltz in 2005 as a way to bridge the “town and gown” dichotomy through the unifying influence of reading. It was a natural synergy between the two communities because of the college being a home of learning, scholarship, and reading; similarly, the New Paltz community is invested in the reading experience through public libraries, leisure reading, and fostering literacy in their children.