News Releases

First Class Begins New Doctorate Program at SUNY New Paltz

NEW PALTZ — The University at Albany/SUNY Doctorate in Educational Administration and Policy Studies, being offered in collaboration with SUNY New Paltz, will begin on the New Paltz campus on Saturday, June 10, at 8:30 a.m. at the Terrace Restaurant. This innovative program will offer courses on the SUNY New Paltz campus taught by both New Paltz faculty and by University at Albany faculty, either in person or via video technology.

Meeting the first class will be Frederick Dembowski, chair of educational administration and policy studies at the University at Albany and Steven Doellefeld, also University at Albany faculty. Representing SUNY New Paltz will be Robert Michael, dean of education, and Kathleen Kraus, dean of continuing and professional education.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for educators in the Hudson Valley to pursue a doctoral degree without interrupting their careers. So many students have expressed their appreciation to the State University of New York for bringing doctoral courses closer to home,” said Kraus.

The cohort of students consists of K-12 educators and higher education faculty and administrators. Some courses will be held in Albany, but travel is expected to be minimal and scheduled at times convenient to students in the cohort. SUNY New Paltz faculty will also serve on dissertation committees and share their individual expertise with students who have similar research interests.

The first course, “Educational Administration and Management Theory,” will be taught by Jan Hammond, chair of educational administration at SUNY New Paltz. During the fall 2000 semester, “Introduction to Social Analysis” will be taught by Joel Spring of New Paltz, and “Advanced Organizational Analysis” will be taught through video-conferencing by Albany’s Dembowski.

For more information about this program, please call Kraus at (914) 257-2906 or Hammond at (914) 257-2810.