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Presidential search extends at New Paltz

NEW PALTZ– Kenneth J. Abt, Chair of the New Paltz Presidential Search Committee and New Paltz College Council, announced today that the search for a new president to lead New Paltz would be extended. The renewed search will continue until additional candidates are identified, vetted and forwarded as finalists for consideration by the Search Committee and Council to SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher. Abt added that because only one finalist candidate remains under consideration, Chancellor Zimpher has asked the council to continue the search and bring forward additional top quality candidates for her consideration.

“The SUNY Board of Trustees has made it very clear that my highest priority as Chancellor is to ensure continued excellence from our campus presidents,” said Chancellor Zimpher. “SUNY New Paltz is an outstanding institution and deserves the very best leadership possible. The candidates that have been forwarded to me have been of the highest quality, but it is essential that the next president is appointed based on his or her distinction and fit with this campus.”

According to Abt, “We will move forward with our search as designated by the Chancellor. I want to publicly thank the Search Committee and College Council for their input and thoughtful contributions in order to move this critical process forward.”

Chancellor Zimpher added, “New Paltz is in the very capable hands of Interim President Don Christian, and I am confident that he will continue to lead this fine institution throughout the extended search period with the same professionalism. On behalf of the SUNY Board of Trustees and the entire SUNY system, I greatly appreciate Interim President Christian’s support and leadership at New Paltz during this time of transition.”

Interim President Christian was appointed by the SUNY Board of Trustees in June, 2010 to serve until July, 2011 – or until a successor is appointed by the Board.